Avantis Airdrop
About Avantis
Avantis is a decentralized leverage trading platform. Their key innovation is the dynamic risk management for liquidity providers, offering customizable risk-reward options through tranches. This flexibility allows LPs to stay in the pool by choosing a suitable risk profile. Avantis will offer junior and senior tranches, which share returns and risks in a predefined ratio, giving LPs precise control over their exposure. This setup promotes a diverse LP pool, deep liquidity for traders, and a natural cycle for higher LP returns.
Why we choose Avantis?
Avantis has successfully raised $4M, backed by prominent ventures such as Pantera Capital, Founders Fund, and Base Ecosystem Fund.
In Q3 2024, Avantis launched the first season of their XP program, allowing users to interact with the protocol for future rewards. This presents an exciting opportunity to begin farming Avantis and earn their potential airdrops.
Avantis Airdrop Guide
Airdrop Eligibility
- Trading on Avantis
- Depositing into Avantis Trenches
- Refer friends
How to get Avantis Airdrop?
To qualify for the Avantis airdrop, you will need to interact with their platform and accumulate Avantis XP. There are 2 ways to get XP:
- Trading XP: Earned for all trading and referral activity
- Liquidity XP: Earned based on amount and lock duration of USDC deposits
Note that these two XP categories are different, and are not fungible – there will be separate reward pools for each category.
Deadline: Avantis Season 1 will end in December 2024.
How to earn Avantis Airdrop: Trading on Avantis + Depositing on Avantis Trenches + Refer friends.
Recommended strategy: If have previously joined the Avantis testnet, we recommend depositing into Avantis Trenches to benefit from the Testnet OG boost and minimizing trading risks.
Otherwise, if you are looking to farm both Superform and Avantis, consider depositing into their vault on Superform instead.
You can earn Trading XP by trading on Avantis and refer friends. Trading XP = Volume XP + Referral XP.
Trading XP:
Visit the Avantis website and connect your wallet. Fund your wallet with USDC on the Base Network and begin to trade.
For every 1$ of volume you created on Avantis, you will earn at most 1 Volume XP.
Referral XP:
Besides trading, you can also boost Trading XP on Avantis by referring friends. You will earn 10% of the Volume XP created by your referrals in the form of Referral XP.
Visit the Avantis Referral page and connect your wallet. Click on the Create Referral Link button.
Next, choose your unique referral code and click on Create.
Use the referral link you created to invite friends and earn 10% of their Volume XP.
You can deposit USDC to tranches on Avantis to earn Liquidity XP.
Deposit directly on Avantis:
Visit the Avantis Earn page and connect your wallet. Choose your desired vault by clicking on it. There are currently 2 vaults serving different risk tastes:
- Junior Tranche which offers better APY but is riskier
- Senior Tranches which are safer but incur less APY.
Note: Regardless of choice, 1$ deposited in any vault will earn you 1 Liquidity XP per day.
Next, on the vault page, enter your desired amount and click on Deposit.
You can also lock your deposit and earn up to 5x the Liquidity XP. Switch to the Lock tab, choose your lock term and amount, then click on the Lock button.
Note that when locking, you will still have an option to withdraw early by paying a penalty (0-10% of your deposit).
Deposit on Superform (2-in-1 airdrop):
Note: By depositing on Superform, you won’t be able to earn lock bonus, as well as other multipliers for Avantis XP.
You can also earn Avantis and Superform XP by depositing on Superform.
Visit the Superform website and connect your wallet. Use the filter to view only the Avantis vaults.
Next, choose your desired vault and deposit using the Zap In button. There are 2 vaults which are basically the same as on Avantis.
Non-acquirable boosts (past testnet and early LP):
If you have participated in Avantis testnet acquired their Discord roles, you might have some additional XP boost (Testnet OG, Champion and Hero can only be stacked one – others are stackable to two boosts):
Acquirable boost:
Additionally to the boost by locking up your deposit, here are other XP Boosts that you can still get:
To check your Avantis XP, visit the Avantis XP Dashboard and connect your wallet.
Here you can view your XP earning in detail, including Trading XP, Liquidity XP, as well as your current XP boost.