LogX Airdrop
About LogX
LogX Liquidity Pool is a stable asset pool comprising USDC and USDT, allowing traders to use either as collateral and settle PnL in the same token. Liquidity providers can contribute USDC/USDT to receive the LLP token, representing their share in the pool. LogX uses a dark oracle to aggregate prices from centralized and decentralized exchanges, comparing the median price with data from the Pyth Oracle network to ensure accurate and fair market pricing.
Why we choose LogX?
LogX has secured $10.1M in funding from major backers like Coinbase Ventures and Amplify.LA. Its innovative approach to price aggregation through dark oracles and the Pyth Oracle network ensures highly accurate pricing for traders, enhancing transparency and fairness. The platform’s dual-token liquidity pool model offers a compelling opportunity for liquidity providers while addressing key challenges in decentralized finance. With strong financial backing, LogX is poised to become a significant player in the DeFi space.
LogX Airdrop Guide
LogX Airdrop Claim
- Claim Link: https://app.logx.network/airdrop-checker